LEDCity - Sensor Node - 01

LEDCity - Sensor Node

Year: 2022

Our services: Mechanical development

Customer: LEDCity

For two electronic boards standing vertically to each other, a housing had to be developed that holds together reliably, can be easily mounted in an existing lamp socket and has openings for LED indicator, light sensor and power connection. The solution developed does not require any fastening elements, everything is accommodated in the two halves of the housing. The boards as well as the light guides to the LED and the light sensor are inserted before the two housing halves are snapped together with a ring snapper. This connection holds reliably and can be opened again just as easily if necessary. Thus, a simple solution with minimal assembly effort has been found. For the development of the ring snapper, prototype parts were manufactured using the HP Multi-Jet-Fusion process, so that the hardness of the snap connection could be verified.

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